A scone for the road:

Eten & drinken along Lange Leidsedwarsstraat, pork schnitzel and melted brie with crusty bread:
Pastel marshmallows when we pay the check:

Sarang Mas at Rokin 84, for Indisch rijsttafel:

My very favorite place we found, Melly's Cookie Bar:

This is the From Mirta with Love sandwich, made with olive tapenade, fresh vegetables from the oven, and olive oil:

Mam's Favorite is made with roast chicken, lettuce, avocado, and lemon mayonnaise:

Hot chocolate, whipped cream:
Sarang Mas at Rokin 84, for Indisch rijsttafel:
My very favorite place we found, Melly's Cookie Bar:
This is the From Mirta with Love sandwich, made with olive tapenade, fresh vegetables from the oven, and olive oil:
Mam's Favorite is made with roast chicken, lettuce, avocado, and lemon mayonnaise:
Hot chocolate, whipped cream:
We ate more tosti's than anything else:

Pannenkoeken, a crepe-like pancake with sweet strawberrry:

Order a "coffee", get an espresso. Always served with a small cookie or slice of something nice.

Mussels in Brussels:
Each morning Brian picked up lattes from Greendayz, they were delicious:

More good things at Melly's:
Pannenkoeken, a crepe-like pancake with sweet strawberrry:
Order a "coffee", get an espresso. Always served with a small cookie or slice of something nice.
Mussels in Brussels:
Pringles were weirdly popular:
More good things at Melly's:
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