The other day I saw a cicada drying its wings on the sidewalk. Not far away I found the shell of molted skin, split down the back and in tact. I always get a little excited when I find one. I instantly thought of my mother because cicadas are one of her favorite things. I put this in a matchbox for safekeeping until I can present it to her, a celebration of summer.
Brian and I love watching entire television series from start to stop. Now we are watching serial seasons of The Bob Newhart Show which is some good clean fun, you should try it. I liked this show a long, long time ago but seeing it now I really relate to the relationship between Bob and his wife Emily. Brian pokes me and says, That's you! and Bob is so Brian, cracking jokes with a straight face and always maddeningly calm in marital conflict. They look much the same in a suit after a long day at the office, too (Bob used to seem so old). Brian finds the opening credits tune particularly danceable.
When I spotted this pizza on for me, for you, I had to make and eat it pronto. A little garlic, some thinly sliced onions, a sneaky heat from red pepper flakes, caramelized zucchini and cheese, oh cheese, lots of cheese.
Inspired by Pooh's preference for "short, easy words like, What about lunch?", this is a place for everything I think about at the hungriest time of day.